September 14, 2024

Using Empathy Mapping to Fuel Breakthrough Innovations

Creativity in Action
Using Empathy Mapping to Fuel Breakthrough Innovations

Unlocking the Power of Empathy in Innovation

What if you could predict your customers’ needs before they even expressed them? This seemingly magical ability isn’t just fantasy; it’s grounded in the robust practice of empathy mapping within the design thinking framework. Empathy mapping provides a powerful lens into user experiences, unveiling critical insights that can lead to groundbreaking innovations. In this post, we’ll explore how empathy mapping works, its role in design thinking, and provide you with a step-by-step guide and real-world examples demonstrating its transformative potential.

What is Empathy Mapping?

A Deep Dive into Understanding Users

Empathy mapping is a human-centered design tool used to gain deeper understanding of users’ experiences, emotions, and behaviours. By visualizing these aspects, organizations can better empathize with their users, leading to more intuitive and effective solutions. Here’s a closer look at the key components of an empathy map:

  • Says: What the user literally says during interviews or observations. This includes direct quotes and verbal feedback.
  • Thinks: What the user might be thinking but not saying out loud. This requires a deeper analysis of their experiences and context.
  • Does: The actions and behaviors of the user. This involves noting down observable actions and tasks.
  • Feels: The emotions the user experiences throughout their interactions. This could range from frustrations to joys, highlighting emotional peaks and troughs.

The Role of Empathy Mapping in Design Thinking

Bridging the Gap Between Understanding and Innovation

Empathy mapping fits seamlessly into the design thinking process, particularly in the empathize phase. Design thinking is all about iterative cycles of understanding the user, ideating, and prototyping. Empathy maps aid in the transition from user research to insights, providing a clear and organized way to capture and analyze the user’s experience. The benefits include:

  • Deepened Understanding: Empathy maps help teams move beyond superficial assumptions about users, uncovering deeper needs and pain points.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Visual maps make it easier for cross-functional teams to discuss and build a shared understanding of the user.
  • Innovative Insights: By identifying unspoken user needs and behaviors, empathy maps can reveal opportunities for innovation that may not be obvious through traditional analysis.

Creating an Empathy Map: A Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing for Empathy Mapping

Before diving into empathy mapping, gather comprehensive data through user interviews, observations, and other qualitative research methods. Ensure your data captures the rich, contextual details of the user's experience.

Mapping Components: Breaking Down the Steps

1. Says

Record direct verbatim from users. These quotes provide insight into their concerns, preferences, and suggestions. For example, "I wish this app had more customization options."

2. Thinks

Interpret the user's thoughts and insights inferred from their context and body language. Ask yourself, “What might this user be thinking?”

3. Does

List the actions users take as they interact with a product or service. Note habitual and spontaneous behaviors, e.g., “User consistently searches for help tutorials.”

4. Feels

Identify and note emotions that the user experiences based on their interactions and feedback. Emotions can be positive or negative, detailing sentiments like frustration, delight, or confusion.

Real-World Example

Let’s consider an empathy map for a new healthcare app aimed at elderly users:

  • Says: “I often forget to take my medicine on time.”
  • Thinks: “I need something simple; technology can be confusing.”
  • Does: Frequently contacts family members for assistance.
  • Feels: Overwhelmed with complicated technology, relieved when tasks are simplified.

By empathizing deeply with the elderly users, developers can innovate features like simple reminders with easy-to-understand interfaces tailored to their needs.

Leveraging Empathy Maps for Innovation

Analyzing Patterns

After creating the empathy map, identify recurring themes, patterns, and insights. Look for emotions and thoughts that consistently align with user actions and sayings. For instance, frequent mentions of “forgetting” and “simple interfaces” highlight a critical area needing focus.


Use these insights to brainstorm innovative ideas. In the healthcare app example, the recurring theme of forgetfulness may inspire a unique reminder system, perhaps one that integrates voice commands for easier interaction. Tools like sliiidea can also be particularly useful for managing and evaluating these new ideas. By swiping through and regularly reviewing your innovative ideas in a structured manner, you can distill out the most promising concepts to pursue.

Prototype and Test

Translate these ideas into prototypes. Develop simple mock-ups or models and test them with real users. Iterate based on feedback to refine the solution, ensuring it remains user-focused and effective.

Case Studies of Breakthrough Innovations Driven by Empathy Mapping

Example 1: Inclusive Banking

A regional bank used empathy mapping to better understand the frustrations of underbanked communities. By identifying emotional pain points like distrust and insecurity, they developed simplified banking services with personalized support, resulting in a 30% increase in new account openings from these communities.

Example 2: Educational Tools for Neurodiverse Students

An ed-tech company employed empathy mapping for developing learning tools for neurodiverse students. They uncovered unique patterns in student behavior and emotions, leading to the creation of highly customizable and engaging educational apps that significantly improved learning outcomes.

Common Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Challenges in Empathy Mapping

  1. Surface-Level Understanding: Avoid merely scratching the surface of user experiences.
  2. Assumptions and Biases: Ensure the map reflects true user experiences, not the team's preconceptions.
  3. Overwhelm with Data: Distill insights from extensive data without losing clarity.


  • Conduct thorough and unbiased interviews.
  • Foster open-mindedness and challenge assumptions within the team.
  • Use clear categorization methods and prioritize critical insights in the empathy map.

Embracing Empathy for Innovation

Summarizing Key Takeaways

Empathy mapping is a pivotal tool in the design thinking toolkit, providing unique insights that drive innovation. By deeply understanding users through structured empathy maps, organizations can develop more intuitive, effective, and innovative solutions.

Final Thought

The essence of innovation lies in blending empathy with creativity. By genuinely understanding and empathizing with your users, you can uncover hidden opportunities for breakthrough innovations that truly resonate and transform their experiences.

Embark on your journey of empathy mapping today, and witness how a deeper connection with your users can unlock unprecedented innovation potential.

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