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Creative Processes and Techniques
Using Dance and Mathematics to Approach Accessibility Design
September 18, 2024

Using Dance and Mathematics to Approach Accessibility Design

This blog post explores a unique interdisciplinary approach to accessibility design, merging the spatial awareness of dance with the precision of mathematics to craft inclusive and empathetic public spaces.

Revisiting Old Sketchbooks: Lessons Hidden in Past Projects
September 10, 2024

Revisiting Old Sketchbooks: Lessons Hidden in Past Projects

Revisiting old sketchbooks offers more than just a trip down memory lane. This article highlights the emotional journey, recurring themes, skill growth, and valuable lessons from mistakes, with insights from renowned artists along the way.

The Creative Power of Handmade Journals: Beyond Store-Bought Notebooks
September 7, 2024

The Creative Power of Handmade Journals: Beyond Store-Bought Notebooks

Handmade journals offer a unique blend of artistry and personal expression. This article explores the creative possibilities they bring, from materials and methods to personal touches, along with testimonials and practical tips for integrating them into your daily creative routine.

Unlocking Innovation with the CYCP Model: A Deep Dive into Continuous Yes, Continuous Progress
August 31, 2024

Unlocking Innovation with the CYCP Model: A Deep Dive into Continuous Yes, Continuous Progress

The CYCP model—Continuous Yes, Continuous Progress—offers a framework for fostering creativity and innovation by embracing new ideas and maintaining momentum. This article outlines the principles, techniques, and real-world applications of CYCP, with actionable steps for integrating it into your creative workflow.

The Magic of Transforming Vintage Objects into Creative Tools
August 28, 2024

The Magic of Transforming Vintage Objects into Creative Tools

Vintage objects like typewriters, rotary phones, and film cameras can spark creativity in unique ways. This article offers practical tips, case studies, and DIY guides for repurposing these nostalgic items into inspiring tools for your creative projects.

Fusing Culinary Arts and Engineering to Innovate Sustainable Food Solutions
August 23, 2024

Fusing Culinary Arts and Engineering to Innovate Sustainable Food Solutions

At the crossroads of culinary arts and engineering, new sustainable food solutions are emerging. This article examines case studies on vertical farming, lab-grown meats, and innovative technologies designed to reduce food waste, highlighting the creative potential of this unique intersection.

Architectural Design Principles as Tools for Creative Problem-Solving
August 20, 2024

Architectural Design Principles as Tools for Creative Problem-Solving

Architectural design principles like spatial reasoning, balance, structural integrity, and aesthetics can inspire creative problem-solving in fields beyond architecture. This article explores how these concepts can be applied to areas such as business, UI/UX design, project management, and marketing to drive innovation and efficiency.

Applying Random Entry Technique to Solve Everyday Problems
August 18, 2024

Applying Random Entry Technique to Solve Everyday Problems

The Random Entry Technique (RET) can be a surprisingly effective tool for tackling everyday problems like household clutter and work productivity. This article delves into the principles of RET, offers step-by-step guidance, and presents real-world examples to help you apply this method in your daily life.

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